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Author: Courtney Nolan

My Seductress’s vision is committed to honest, accurate information about sexuality, and the hope that one day we will dismantle the typical stereotypes and assumptions whilst building self-acceptance and self esteem.

The Sexual Complexities As you’ll read – the veteran story in this article is one of increased sexual desire since discharge. When I asked one of my interviewees how PTSD has affected his interest in sexual activities, he shared the following insight: his previous role within a very high risk...

As a wife whose husband has PTSD, after years being a first responder, I find this topic interesting for soooo many reasons; firstly the lived experience having been in the Police Force myself but also being married to a medically discharged Police Officer and secondly my tertiary studies around human...

My Seductress is a proud VCBC Member

Veteran Community Business Chamber